Комплексные решения для птицеводства и животноводства


OOO VitOMEK has its own production and technical laboratory «INVITO», which performs the incoming and outgoing control of the feed quality and safety, of the mixed feed raw materials and feed additives. The laboratory also conducts independent paid researches of raw materials and finished products used in personal subsidiary farms and other agricultural enterprises.

The «INVITO» Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, which allows conducting not only conventional researches (pH-metry, spectrophotometry, titrimetry, etc.), but also applying innovative laboratory methods (high-performance liquid chromatography.

The highly qualified laboratory personnel conducts over 60 types of studies that allow determining contents of micro and macro elements, amino acids, protein, crude fiber, fat, vitamins in raw materials and feeds, as well as conducting technical, chemical and microbiological control of the quality and safety of the incoming raw materials and finished products.

The above also include determinations of the following substances and indicators:

  • water- and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • copper, iron, manganese, iodine, zinc;
  • moisture, protein, crude protein, ash, fat, fiber;
  • calcium, phosphorus, chlorides, urea, non-protein nitrogen;
  • urease activity, general toxicity;
  • indicators of oxidative deterioration of raw materials and finished products;
  • quality indicators of raw materials of mineral origin;
  • other determinations.

In addition to analyses, our specialists perform their detailed decoding: they explain the significance of the results obtained, provide information about their possible effects on the animals’ bodies and give recommendations for correcting the deficiencies discovered.

Our advantages:

  • ensuring multi-stage quality control of production;
  • 100% incoming laboratory control of incoming raw materials;
  • assignment of a barcode to incoming raw materials;
  • strict quality control of the finished products;
  • minimal time for analysis;
  • a wide range of researches and their optimized cost.

To clarify the information on the researches and to request a price list indicating their cost, please call +7 (48261) 3-66-45 or email a message to